Monday, 23 November 2015

Still Just Me

Hi all,

It's 5.39 am and I've been awake since 4.30am for the umpteenth day in a row, my blog is a day or two late and my iPad is about to run out of battery but my charger is downstairs and I don't want to go down and get it because I will disturb the dogs and they will think it's time for food and walk. It's pouring with rain after a few chilly days and I have a day of Christmas shopping with hubby to look forward to. Ah, such is life.

I've had a great week of visiting people and catching up with friends and family. I'm embracing the luxury of not having to go to work for now and it's wonderful. I have seen people that I haven't seen for too long and mainly just because I have got out of the habit of making the effort. I have spent so much of my time working until recently that I have just stopped organising my life. The joy of not working shifts and nights is that, eventually, you get your life back to some kind of normality...apart from the ridiculous sleep patterns obviously!

All is well with me and I hope it is with you all. Christmas is approaching rapidly as is the party season and so, for the first time in many, many years, I am going to treat myself to a party frock! I have my gorgeous Crimbo jumper from a few years back that I love but I don't have a nice, sparkly dress to wear. In fact, I don't think I have ever had one! That must change and maybe I will be able to find one when we are out on our shopping trip today....our shopping trip where we aim to buy Crimbo presents but will probably, in reality, end up window shopping, drinking coffee and eating lunch. I haven't even made a list of people that I would like to buy for so that doesn't really bode well for the day doesn't?!

So this is a short and sweet update just to say 'Hi' and that I haven't forgotten you, I'm still here, still doing my thing, still dashing about or playing catch up with sleep and still not concentrating properly and saying stupid things! I'm still in love with my family and I'm still a doting Mum and Nanny. I'm still getting up and baking when I can't sleep and I'm still eating far too much. I'm still drinking two glasses of wine when I know that more than one gives me a hellish headache and I'm still eating more chocolate than is good for me.

I'm loving my life and what more can you ask for?

Have a great week everyone and be kind to each other.


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