Monday 27 October 2014

What A Wonderful Week

Hi everyone,

I am back home from a wonderful week of gallivanting around with hubby celebrating our wedding anniversary. We have really had a wonderful time and really enjoyed it all but, in truth, we both admit to feeling relieved to be back at home and sort of back to normal. We still haven't exchanged contracts on the houses. I won't bore you anymore with that issue. Suffice to say that I don't rate solicitors very highly just at the moment.

Anyway, back to our jaunts. After a lovely meal at a local pub on the Wednesday with good friends, we carried on our days as normal until the Sunday when we went up to London in the afternoon and had dinner at The Ivy which is known as much  for its celebrity clientelle as it is for its menu. We checked in a little early for our allocated time slot and so had a cocktail while we waited. Pina colada? Yes please.

We were shown to our table which meant that we had to walk past Ricky Gervais who was having a meal with friends. Now, he's not my favourite person but he did flash me a lovely smile so that was nice. I'm also 99% sure that Jake Wood (East Enders' Max Branning and current star of Strictly) was there too but I couldn't be sure. Anyway, the food was lovely. I had calves liver which was beautifully cooked. I also had a glass of expensive champagne as a treat as Grandad had offered to buy the meal for us. In retrospect this was a mistake because, when presented with the bill for our evening (which was expensive but it was a special event) he decided that he wouldn't pay for it after all and gave us some cash towards it. Not quite what was offered but there you go!

From The Ivy it was on to Euston station where we were catching the sleeper train to Edinburgh. Now, I know that that is not everyone's idea of the way to travel but I have never been on a sleeper train and really wanted to give it a go. Our train didn't leave until 23.30 so we had time for a couple of drinks and then I decided it would be a good idea to buy a bottle of Prosecco for our journey or for the next night. Needless to say, we didn't drink the Prosecco and ended up bringing it home with us.
The train journey was fun and I found it really comfy although the champagne may have helped in that department. I slept really well although the cabin was very cosy and there really wasn't enough room to swing a cat in there.
We even ventured down to the lounge because we could where hubby ordered a beer and I had a cup of tea. It was really a silly thing to do but it was fun.
The next morning we had tea delivered to our cabin, got dressed and then arrived at Edinburgh bang on time.
We were both feeling a touch jaded but the weather was glorious and our hotel room wasn't ready so be dropped our bags off and went for a wander. The fresh air did us both the world of good.

That evening, after hubby had watched the football, we went for a stroll up to the castle which looked spectaular. The next morning we went and did the whole tour and it really was fantastic. Worth every penny of the £16 entrance fee. There was so much to see and so much of it was very moving. I loved it. We then did one of the underground tours which I had done before with friends. It was as good as I remembered.
Too soon it was time to get back on the train to return to London. We travelled first class which was nice. Free drinks and sandwiches all the way if you wanted them. We finally got back home at about 8pm, weary but elated.
                                                    Our hotel for the night
                                                    Sir Chris Hoy's Golden Post Box

                                                     Dog cemetery
                                                    Underground tour
                                                      Free drinks!

On the Wednesday we were out again with my sister and brother in law who treated us to a super curry. We had a great evening chatting and catching up. As usual, we said that we should do it more often and, as usual, we probably won't! We always mean it when we say it but life has a habit of getting in the way sometimes.
On Friday we drove down to Salcombe in Devon where I had booked us into a very swish hotel for the evening. We had a room that overlooked the estuary and had it's own balcony, sun loungers, complimentary gin and sherry and a bed and bedding to die for. It really was wonderful and I felt very relaxed and comfortable there which says more than anything else about how lovely it was.
Hubby had never been to Salcombe before but I had been several times with Jonathan and I wanted to show hubby what a lovely place it is and he wasn't disappointed. He enjoyed it very much.
We went to all of the places that I used to go with Jonathan and we had a cup of coffee and a piece of cake in his favourite coffee shop.Our evening meal was fabulous. We ate at The Victoria Inn. Food, staff, service and atmosphere all fab.
Our visit stirred a few memories for me about times I had spent there and it was quite apt that it would have been Jonathan's 31st birthday on the day that we travelled home again.
Now, I should be putting photos of Salcombe here but I can't find them at the moment. Typical.

So, that's it for now as far as our celebrations go. We still have dinner at The Ritz to book but I think we will leave that for now. The next things looming are the imminent arrival of grandchild number 4 who is already a couple of days late and the house move.

Oh yes, and just before I go, if any of you like a good read I can recommend India Knight's latest book called In Your Prime.
I confess to being a huge India Knight fan and, if I was a writer, I would want to write like her. Her style really appeals to me. I have all of her books and I refer back to them often. This latest book is aimed at women of my the last third of life apparently...and is full of her experiences and tips/advice on things such as exercise (yoga all way and no running!), beauty basics, health and dealing with ageing parents among other things. I more or less read the book in one sitting but I have it on my iPad and I really think I prefer reading a 'proper' book. Must be my age! Anyway, I shall be asking for the 'proper' book for Christmas if anyone asks.

Love to all.

I feel that I have loads more to talk about but this will do for now. Need sleep!


Oh..... I've found a few Salcombe photos. Enjoy! Xx

Sunday 19 October 2014

Happy and Healthy(ish)!

Good morning all. 

Another Sunday morning dawns and I'm listening to the calming sounds of Good Morning Sunday on Radio 2. I really enjoy this programme and I tend to drift in and out of it as I'm doing other things but I find it relaxing and reassuring. I find myself interested in all the aspects of religion that are talked about on there and I love hearing the passionate way that people talk about their faith and beliefs.
I am not a particularly religious my Mum before me I do feel that religion has a huge part to play in a lot of the worlds conflicts...but I have also found myself strangely drawn to the peace and solitude of churches and cathedrals and I am intrigued by spirituality. I guess we all need calm and peace in our busy lives and having peaceful surroundings for contemplation can only be a good thing.
So, while Radio 2 plays quietly in the background, not loud enough to put me off my train of thought but loud enough for me to hear the conversation and music, I will carry on with my meandering thoughts...

Ths week has seen a huge step forward in our mission to move house. Last weekend, after a few weeks of frustration with the whole process, hubby and I decided that, if things weren't resolved by Friday (the Friday just gone) we would withdraw from the whole thing.We would sell our house, bank the proceeds and move into rented accommodation until we could find somewhere that we could buy without any hassle.
As is often the case, once we had agreed on a way forward, things started to progress. Within 24 hours we had received paperwork and confirmation of a mortgage offer, contracts to sign and bills to pay. Yes folks, it seems that our dream of moving is coming to fruition and we couldn't be happier...well, I couldn't be happier! I am hopeful that we wil be moving at the beginning of November but dates have yet to be confirmed and so planning such things as removal firms, notifying people of our change of address etc will have to wait for now. I have a feeling that all of this is going to suddenly take off but I'm ready for the challenge.

On a totally different topic, I have decided to cut down on the antidepressants that I am taking as I feel calmer and more settled than I have in a very long time. I am at peace with all of the dramas and unsettled feelings of the past and I feel more able to cope with things that would normally throw me completely. Now, it may be the medication, it may be the wonderful CBT that I found so helpful, it may be positive thinking, I am not sure but I'm happy to try and be 'me' without the help of chemical additions if possible.
I was taking 20mgs Citalopram and have gradually cut down to 5mgs over the past few months with no noticeable side effects. Mind you, I am taking a form of HRT so I don't know what effect that will have had apart from the fact that I no longer wake in the night covered in sweat!! Sorry, too much information.
I no longer get so stressed at work that I doubt every decision I make. I no longer spend most of my time with a puce face caused by anxiety and fear. I no longer feel my heart racing and pounding so hard that I fear I might die imminently. I am happy in my own skin, happier than I think I have ever been. I am trying to put myself first and, now that I no longer feel guilty about doing so, I'm actually appreciating it. I will always struggle with anxiety, I know that. I will always need to be aware of how my body is feeling and listen to its warning signals.
The thing I find so hard about putting myself first is that I feel selfish and selfishness is a trait that I find so unattractive in another person. Buying things for myself...from a coffee to a bag of lovely clothes and boots from M and S which I did just this week...feels good but bad, it feels selfindulgent and makes me feel guilty. I guess I will just have to get over it!
Another thing that I have noticed over the past few weeks is that I seem to be constantly eating...anything and everything...and I know that this must change. Mybe it's a side effect of medication or a side effect of my happier, more settled self. Whatever it is, it has to stop. I will be the size of a house soon if I'm not careful.
This excess food thing is also making me lazy and lethargic. However, I  found myself in bed the other morning, feeling so cosy and happy that I laughed out loud. I had the overwhelming urge to laugh out loud and I  couldn't resist it. And, once I had laughed out loud, it made me feel so happy that I laughed out loud again and for longer. It was a bizarre sensation...laughing out loud for sheer pleasure and contentment. I'm not sure that I have ever done that before in my whole life.
I am writing this blog on my ipad and I am using the wireless keyboard which I am still getting used to. In truth I am only using it because my trusty old laptop has decided to give up the ghost again and refuses to turn on. I'm not too worried about that at the moment becuase it has happened before and it sorted itself out with little inout from me so I am just hoping that this will happen again soon but, until then, it's ipad and keyboard. I'm being dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century it seems.
So, that's it for now I think. I feel there is a lot more for me to add but I'd be here all day rabbiting on about things that are of no interest to anyone else apart from me!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I do appreciate it.

With love


Saturday 11 October 2014

Hungry Harvey!

Good morning all,

I hope all is well with you and yours.

As I type this I am listening to the rain hammering down on the windows and feeling grateful that I am indoors and not out in the wet. I had that experience just the other day when I walked the dog. Despite putting on a waterproof jacket and other protective gear, we both got soaked to the skin. We experienced thunder and lightening, two rainbows, sunshine and heavy downpours in the space of half an hour. It was actually quite exhilarating. I thought so anyway and Harvey didn't seem to mind getting drenched in the slightest. All I was left with was a smelly dog and my car still has that 'wet dog' smell now...days later.

Harvey has also had a few bouts of bilious episodes over the last few weeks. Each morning when I come downstairs I am greeted with the usual tail-wagging whirling dervish desperate for food and attention in that order. He has always been the same since we got him as a tiny and affection are what keeps him going.
Anyway, once I have let him outside to eat I survey the area around his bed and several times there has been a patch of water/bile/wee...I couldn't tell what to be honest. I was a little concerned and monitored when this happened. it was always overnight, never proper sick, always clear. I wasn't too worried as he seemed fine in himself.... usual 'healthy' appetite, usual energy levels etc.
I took it upon myself to google his symptoms and the consensus of opinion was that the poor thing was desperate for food. He has been so hungry that his tummy has been producing acid and then that makes him sick. the actual explanation is far more involved than that but that is the basics of it.
Now, we do not starve our dog but he has always been on the large side and he will always eat anything at any time and so we have had to be strict with him since he was a puppy. He gets fed first thing in the morning and then again at about 3pm. He has then had his recommended quota for the day.
However, going from 3pm right round until 7..sometimes 8am..the next morning is just too much for him and, when I think about it now, that's a long time to go without food. So, I have been giving him just a little bit extra at about 7.30pm before he goes for his last sojourn of the evening and it seems to have done the trick. No more bile, or similar, to clean up in the mornings before I've even had a cup of tea. Let's hope it continues.

As you may know, Monday saw our Silver wedding anniversary. Yes, hubby and I have been married for 25 years. I still find it amazing that we have been together for so long and been through so much and survived to tell the tale.
We had a really quiet day. He had the day off but I had work in the afternoon. We popped out for a bit of brunch and that was it really. However, our 'children', for want of a better word, excelled themselves and have given us a voucher for a 3 course meal at The Ritz which is wonderful. We are both really looking forward to that. We also had flowers delivered which was lovely and we had lots of cards. I managed to get a request played for hubby on The Ken Bruce show on Radio 2 after hubby was so disappointed about the Steve Wright let down...although he says that we should listen in this week just in case it gets played a week late...ever the optimist. Then we both received emails from Frank Turner....yes, my Frank Turner, the one who I went to see in concert in Oxford just the week before, the one who hubby and I both really like. our youngest daughter had been in touch with him and asked if he could wish us a happy anniversary and, bless him, he did just that. We were both thrilled and delighted that he would have taken the time to contact us and we were very touched that our daughter had been so thoughtful and organised it for us.
Next weekend sees a trip to Edinburgh on the overnight train to celebrate our 25 years together, a stay in a posh hotel and then, at the end of the week, a stay in a lovely hotel overlooking the harbour at Salcombe, a place I have grown to love and where hubby has never been. We are just staying one night but it's my treat to him to say 'thank you' for sticking with me through thick and thin, good times and bad.

There is also the small matter of another grandchild due to be born around that time and the on-going, ever so frustrating house selling and buying saga which is driving me bonkers.

So, that's all for now. Wishing you all a happy and peaceful weekend. I would just like to send extra love to two very special people who have been poorly of late...D and Sam. Stay strong. You are surrounded by people that love you. I hope you are both fully recovered very soon.

Take care one and all.


Sunday 5 October 2014

Chocolates and Champagne? Who Needs Them!

It's been a busy week which can be summed up like this:

Financial frustration
Fantastic Frank (Turner)
Last one leaving
Steve Wright

So, the house situation rumbles on and on and on. Trying to get a low-cost mortgage for a relatively small amount of money is proving all but impossible it seems. Apparently, my permanent contract of employment is 'unusual' i.e. not the norm and may not be accepted by the building society despite the fact that they also have my P60 and a years worth of wage slips as proof of my earnings. Sometimes there is nothing to be done except wait and that is all we can do now...wait a 'yes' or 'no' verdict on our immediate future and we have no idea how long that decision will take.
I'm still relatively optimistic...and I still have a white feather on my driveway every day (which makes me smile and reminds me of Mum and Dad and the fact that they may be looking out for me)...despite pressure now being put on by various people in the chain who want to exchange contracts which we can't do until we have a firm mortgage offer.
We have been open with everyone involved and, if we lose the house we want for any reason, then we will just have to start again. We can always move to rented accommodation if we have too as long as we can find somewhere that accepts big dogs!

On Tuesday I went to Oxford and went with daughter 3 to see the totally wonderful Frank Turner who was putting on a show in the town hall there. I had got tickets at the last minute after seeing a few available on Twitter.
I love a good gig and this was a good gig. After a lovely supper at The Red Lion, where I had a stilton burger which was gorgeous, we wandered along to the venue and got ourselves a drink.
I had been worried that I was going to be the oldest person there but I need not have worried. There were people of all ages there, certainly some who I thought looked older than me..not that it really matters. I'm just aware that someone of my age may be a bit conspicuous among a crowd of youngsters having a good time.
Frank came on stage at 8.30pm  and played for 2 hours. He was energetic, enthusiastic, happy, in good voice and was celebrating the last night of another successful tour. He and his band, The Sleeping Souls, tour all over the world and frequent many small venues in an effort to keep live music accessible to all.
We first saw him at The Cambridge Folk Festival several years ago and had never heard of him. We thought he was superb and so have followed his progress ever since. We have seen him in various venues and saw him performing with Billy Bragg at o2 which was very surreal as we usually see him up close as the venues are so small.

I stayed the night in Oxford and then set off home the next day and got home with no trouble which was a relief after my police experience of last week!

The other major event of my week has been the moving out of our youngest who has moved into a house in town with his girlfriend and another couple. I have yet to experience the 'empty nest' feeling  that everyone keeps telling about because he still has a lot of his stuff here!
When I came home from work yesterday, the day he was going, I expected to find an empty bedroom and a bit of rubbish. What I found was a room that looked much the same as it did the day, week, month before. It was impossible to see what he had taken because there was so much still there.
As the day progressed I received various texts..'Mum, have you got any spare mugs?', 'Mum, have you got any cutlery we can have?', 'Mum, can we have some towels and bedding?' and, the classic 'Mum..I've forgotten my PS3!' so guess who made a trip with all of the above and lots of other stuff yesterday afternoon?
When I asked what he had actually taken in the morning his  answer was 'clothes, shoes and my phone charger'. Priorities. 
Today he has picked up his Mac and his African Land Snail so we are getting there. He has also, finally, decided to get rid of a load of clothes that he has been loath to get rid of for years.
I'm sure the 'empty nest' feeling will dawn on me soon but I'm excited for him and for them. It's how it should be. Our children should grow up and move on and I'm proud that all four of mine have done exactly that.
These days there is no reason to not stay in contact with anyone but I don't Skype yet.I'm sure I will in time but my aversion to talking on the phone, which is much better than it was, is compounded by people actually being able to see my while I'm speaking!! Weird, I know.

This morning I spent 2 hours listening to Radio 2 and Steve Wright's Sunday Love Songs because hubby had told me that he had emailed a request in to the show for us for our Silver wedding anniversary...the old softie!...which we celebrate tomorrow.
I listened dutifully from the beginning of the show at 9am until 10.30 when I then began to doubt that his request would be read out. All I knew was that the longer there was no request read out, the more chance there was of us getting the coveted chocolates and champagne that goes to one lucky couple at the end of the show each week. 
At 10.55 the last request started to be read out...'and our chocolates and champagne this week go to Russell and  An....', we looked at each other, could it really be us?!? 'Russell and Ann', it wasn't us!! So close.
Hubby was disappointed, I thought it was really sweet that he had got in touch and thought of doing it in the first place. It's really, really not something that he feels comfortable doing and it took forethought which was impressive! 

So, that has been my week in  relatively few words. I feel a bit like we're treading water and can't move forward with any of our plans but I do remain positive...pragmatic but positive.
Oh, and did I mention that I got tickets to go and see Cat Stevens in November?? I may have mentioned that last week but my memory is rubbish and I can't remember. This is a big deal. Cat Stevens was a massive part of my musical childhood. I never thought that we'd get the opportunity to see him live and now we are. I'm very excited about it!!

Have a great day and a fantastic week.

Much love

And happy anniversary to my long-suffering hubby. 'Looks like we made it'. xxx