Monday 11 April 2016

Too Many Blogs!

Hi folks and a massive thank you to everyone who has ever taken the time to read even one of my posts. As you will be aware, life has taken another of it's turns over the past few months and so much of my time is currently taken up with being part of the support team for my daughter and her family as she adjusts to life as a mummy...of with extra needs. It really means that I am not able to dedicate anywhere near enough time to this blog which pains me slightly. I know I will get back to it with gusto as things settle down but I also don't want to just abandon it. I also, of course,have my other blog on the go to record our efforts in the run up to taking part in The Guildford Triathlon on May 29th and that has taken priority over the last few months.

All of this means that I spend a lot of my time dashing about and it also means that I often don't have enough time to spend with the people that  mean the most to family. Yes, it's true that I often get my priorities wrong and I apologise for that. The day to day stuff that I always do still gets done (mostly!) but actual quality time is hard to come by. Hubby and I seem to be like ships that pass in the night, my children and grandchildren don't need me to be in their lives all of the time but I do feel that I haven't spent as much time with them lately that I should have done. As for friends, I grab time to see them when I can but we all have such busy lives. Hopefully, as things settle down I will be able to resume my relationships with everyone who may feel that I have abandoned them lately. And if anyone does feel ignored, I apologise profusely.

I will continue with this blog whatever happens but I think that the other one may just have to take priority between now and the end of May as it is a fundraising thing and I want to do it properly.

Please do go to the triathlon blog and give it a follow if you like: 

There will be regular updates there on our training and the twins too!

Please also feel free to check out our fundraising page:

Thanks for your patience with me while I muddle through life at the moment. There are lots of exciting things to look forward to but it's a day at a time for this Nanny for now.


Sunday 3 April 2016

Birthday Boy

Hi folks,

It's Sunday evening so it must be time to blog. Roast pork and all the trimmings have been cooked and eaten, dogs have been walked, I have finally done all of the ironing after weeks of talking about it but it not happening. It's 8pm and just getting dark.The expected sunny weekend didn't materialise and so I have still not been to the beach hut.

It's been another week of dashing about. At least it keeps me on my toes and helps to keep the weight off! That's what I tell myself anyway. After the Easter weekend, it was back to reality for me with a trip to the dentist to have a crown fitted on Tuesday morning. It's funny how things change though. I used to be absolutely terrified of going to the dentist for any reason at all and would put off my visits for as long as I could. I would sit in the waiting room and been a bundle of nerves with sweaty hands and feeling jittery and anxious. Of course, the usual red blotchy rash would put in an appearance too. Always a tell tale sign of my anxiety levels...or too much alcohol!! Anyway, these days a dental appointment really doesn't faze me. Paying the bill is enough to bring on a panic attack but actually sitting in the dentist's chair is no problem!! My dentist even complimented me on being a great patient so I must have been ok.

On Wednesday I spent the day with my daughter and the twins and pottered about with them most of the time and tried to encourage my daughter to rest. I'm never very successful at that but at least I tried. We got a few things sorted out and I was able to help feed the babies who are growing at a rate of knots...especially young Sam who is outgrowing all of his 0-3 month clothes already. Phoebe seems much more alert and, while not really feeding any better, is at least no longer being sick. She must surely have put weight on when she is weighed this coming week.
Wednesday evening saw youngest daughter and I go to our usual swimming session and I improved very slightly on my time for the 500 metres which is my leg of the Guildford Triathlon in May.

Thursday saw us go to Weightwatchers to be weighed and, despite two roast dinners over the Easter weekend, we both lost weight. I lost half a pound and Rosie lost 2lbs which was brilliant. We have both now lost a stone and a half each since mid January and we have spent part of this weekend going though our clothes and getting rid of the items that don't fit us anymore. I even had to part with my beloved hippy trousers which no longer stay up. I was tempted to keep them 'just in case' but that isn't the attitude. I don't want to go back to being able to wear them so they have gone in the charity bag. I have brought myself some size 14 jeans - albeit TU ones from Sainsbury's - cheap and cheerful - but size 14!!

Saturday was hubby's birthday. He's not a big celebrator of such events really but we couldn't let the day go by unnoticed so he had a few presents at home and a cup of tea and a piece of cake....

....before going to meet some of the family for a pizza for lunch. We had a nice time and it was good to see everyone.

Happy days

Gorgeous Sam sleeping through the meal

It was all too much for Phoebe too!

Proud Mummy and her babies

Afterwards we went to the cricket club where we had previously scattered the ashes of hubby's Mum and Dad. We took a couple of plants to put at either end of their bench and we cleaned the brass plaques that have their names on. It's almost a year since father in law died - April 8th last year - and we wanted to get there to tidy up.
Having done that, we went home, recuperated and then headed out in the evening to the local 'bar' where we had cocktails and prosecco to round off the day. I think it was a success and hubby enjoyed it which was the main thing after all.

Dad's girl

It's been a good week in one way or another and I hope that you have all had a good time too. Next week will, no doubt, have its challenges but it's onwards and upwards regardless.
