Thursday, 13 November 2014

Wet Walks and Frustrating Freecyclers

Hi all,

Now I know this is another update so quickly after the one I published yesterday but that one was actually typed on Sunday and yesterday was the first chance I had to publish it and so I am doing another one today. I'm sure it seems like overkill but there you go.

Things are settling down nicely for us although we have had a few more hiccups and it has rained almost nonstop everyday for about 4 days. I really must invest in some decent waterproofs because I have a dog that must be walked whatever the weather and the walks are around here are so wonderful that I need to experience them all come rain or shine. For example, this was Butser Hill yesterday morning - wet and gloomy but beautiful...

Just imagine what it will be like on a sunny day.

I have had 2 days off which has been lovely. I have got bits and pieces done including plumbing in our washing machine...actually, attaching the pipes and turning on the water but that's plumbing to me!... and putting up a few pictures to make the house more homely. The tumble dryer is a different vent and nowhere to hang the hose from ... so I can't use that at the moment so I'm hanging clothes over radiators just like the old days.
We still have loads and loads to do but my priority is to get the bedrooms sorted, albeit basically, so people can stay if they want to and to empty the remaining boxes that are cluttering up the dining area which needs a table and chairs before Christmas! Christmas....eeek!

This morning I took a walk down to the village (literally 2 minutes away) and went into the post office, picked up the local parish magazine, popped into the local DIY shop which seems to sell everything you could ever need, called in at the butchers and got a bone for the dog and was greeted in such a friendly way by everyone that I smiled all the way home. Have I mentioned that I feel at home here already?!

I spent the other evening when hubby was working going through paperwork and making phonecalls to insurance companies and so forth. There are so many people that need to notified of our new address. I've done the driving licence and car registration document and notified the pensions people. I've registered at the doctors. I can't do hubby's so he will have to settle down and do all of his at some point but the poor chap is working so hard at the moment that his feet aren't touching the ground.

On that note, the travelling is taking its toll on hubby who has had 3 little bumps in his van in the last week. He is trying to do too much and not let people down and it's starting to affect him I think. He was sent home yesterday and I'm thankful that he was. He has a couple more shifts to do and then he transfers down here which is going to be so much better. I'm sure he will feel better once things settle down.

I have been doing a bit of 'freecycling' which I always think is a great thing to do but why the hell do people mess you around so much when you are giving things away for free?! As I type this I am waiting for someone who was going to call last night to pick up some bits and who then emailed to say could they come today instead. I arranged for them to call today at 12.30. It's now 12.45 and guess what? That's right, they haven't come. I am going to leave all the stuff outside and if they come they come and if they don't then I'll be off to the local charity shop later.(They didn't come!)

The other thing that has perplexed me is the fact that we have no curtains at the moment and, as a temporary measure, I ordered 2 cheapish pairs to be delivered yesterday. I waited in all afternoon and they didn't come. When hubby came in from work he found a delivery card in the door! I hadn't heard them knock. How frustrating!! We don't have a door bell and I just didn't hear them. They should be delivering again today so I am just keeping everything crossed and hope that they arrive,they fit and that I can put them up before I trot off to my night duty later on.

So, I'm off to walk the dog and just hope that I don't get soaked but I think I probably will. What's the betting that I get back and the freecycling lady has been and the curtains have been delivered!!!?

Much love xxx

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