Thursday, 27 March 2014

Rise and Shine

It's 5.08 am and I'm at work and I can't sleep. Sleep at work I hear you say? Well, yes because I am manning the medical centre and there is no one in overnight which means that I'm allowed to go to bed. However, sleep, or any length of uninterrupted sleep, while I am here often proves elusive. There are several reasons for this, not least being the fact that I have been told my various people here that this building is haunted which doesn't help someone of my somewhat nervous disposition!
Whether you believe in such things is neither here nor there. All I know is that when I am here on my own it's a very quiet, unsettling place. I generally toss and turn all night when I'm on duty for no reason other than my mind won't settle.
While I have never seen anything remotely spooky while I've been at work here, I have heard and felt things that have freaked me out just a little. One evening, shortly after 2 am I woke to the sound of keys jangling outside my bedroom door. I was in the centre on my own, the only keys in the building were in my uniform pocket and in the door. I have no idea what was going on but it scared me. Several times I have been sleeping and felt the sheet being moved away from my face and I have heard a group of people outside when I know all the students and staff are settled for the night and tucked up safely in bed.
While I'm sure most of this is likely to the product of a very overactive imagination, I am still slightly disturbed by the events which probably goes a long way to explaining why I don't sleep well when I am here! A self fulfilling prophecy or something like that.
So, as usual, here I am, awake, thinking of making a cup of tea with my mind in overdrive full of things that I can blog about mainly. My children, my husband, our pets, my childhood, my parents and grandparents - well, Nans mainly because I have zero recollection of my grandfathers - my life in general.
Yesterday I received several really positive comments about my blog so far and it made me feel wonderful. I had a spring in my step for most of the day. To think that people are taking the time to read this and to comment on it is wonderful, especially as this is a fairly nondescript kind of blog with no theme other than my life. It reminded me yet again of the power of positivity. One positive comment to one person every day can change the way that person feels and can make them feel as if they are achieving something good. 
Yesterday evening I also had a text from a lady that I used to care for. She is younger than me and has ME, the condition that is hard to diagnose and even harder to treat. I haven't seen her for a year or more but we exchange texts once in a while. Last week I had the urge to write a few letters and this lady was one that I chose to write to. As a consequence of my letter, she text me to let me know that she is in a difficult place at the moment and is even having suicidal thoughts as she feels frightened, alone and unsupported. Her physical condition has deteriorated and her mental welling is suffering as a result.
Initially I felt guilty because I haven't seen her for a long time and felt almost responsible for her decline but then I readjusted my thinking and realised that if I hadn't written to her she wouldn't know that I care about her. Maybe her receiving my letter made her feel less alone. It certainly gave her the confidence to contact me and sometimes maybe that is all we need, the realisation that somebody out there in the big scary world cares about how we are feeling. I am concerned about her comments about feeling suicidal but I know that she has a team of people around her who will be doing their best to support her. I will stay in touch with her and visit when she feels strong enough. We will have a coffee and a catch up and maybe that will help. I do hope so.
On a different note, two days ago I heard the new Coldplay single, Magic. It was being played by Jo Whiley on good old Radio 2. I love Coldplay and this latest song is another wonderful piece of work in my opinion. It's a real grower if you know what I mean. I had it playing on repeat on my iphone last night and the more I heard it the more I loved it. The new album is out in May and I, for one, can't wait to hear it. Maybe they will tour again soon!!!
Well, the morning has broken while I've been typing. Birds are chirping and the day is beginning.
Remember, try do or say just one positive thing today to someone that that you meet. You might just make their day, week, month or year. It  might give them the spring in their step that I had yesterday and it's a wonderful feeling.

Much love💕💕💕


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