Saturday, 18 June 2016

Medical matters in Mykonos aka what happens in my head when I'm knackered!

Crikey! I didn't realise it had been so long since I last added anything to this blog. I feel a bit guilty if I'm honest. Still, no time like the present so....

I am in Mykonos with hubby. We have been here since Wednesday evening. We are staying at the Lady Anna. It's a clean, spacious beach hotel. The staff are very friendly and helpful. The hotel has a pool. The clientele are a mixed bunch...young couples, families, older ones like us and made up of various nationalities. 

The weather has been wonderful thus far. It gets windy in the evenings but that is really quite pleasant as it takes the heat of the day away. We have both been good about the sun after years of sunning ourselves at every opportunity. We pace ourselves, we cover up after a little while in the sun, we use lots of sun cream and we wear hats....much to the horror of our kids but they aren't here and I'd rather look like mad hat lady than get sunstroke or a burnt scalp!

I'm actually typing this at 1.30 am local time as I went to sleep, woke up sweating in our air conditioned room and have been unable to get back to sleep which is annoying. I haven't slept properly yet since we got here so I know I'm tired. Ridiculous! There is something amiss with me but I'm not sure what at the moment. I think it's just the change of environment. I have already had a horrible migraine which didn't respond in any way to paracetamol and ibuprofen. In fact, I have taken all of my supply and brought more. In the end hubby got a lift to a local pharmacy from one of the hotel staff and got me two very strong tablets. The first one did the trick and I felt much better after a few hours. It did mean that I spent most of our 2nd full day feeling nauseous and in pain and dozing on and off in our room while the Euro 2016 football matches were being shown on our tv.

Today I have felt much better and enjoyed getting out and about. However, I have been bitten 4 or 5 times on my legs by mosquitoes and 2 of the bites are looking infected. They are oozing and red. They don't hurt but they look horrible. I have antibiotic cream with me from home so I'm hoping that will keep another visit to the pharmacy at bay. While I was in the sea today I felt something on my leg and looked down to see a small fish nibbling at the bite on my right leg! It made me jump and felt weird. I'm not sure if it was doing any harm but it put me off going back in the sea and I waited until we returned to the hotel before swimming in the pool where there are no fish!

I also have a swollen and sore gum on my lower right jaw too. This is not that unusual but if I was at home I would use a mouthwash and it would go away. I don't have any mouth wash here so I'm not sure what to do. I hope whatever is causing it will put itself right and it will clear up on its own. 

All these little things along with the profuse night time sweating in an air conditioned room and the general weird feeling around my head where the migraine was is making me feel uneasy for some reason.

I need to work this through here so that I might be able to get to sleep so forgive me for going on a bit. I have had little sleep so I am not thinking clearly. I would imagine that my body also needs me to sleep and isn't able to do its job properly if it is knackered. My worries about all of the things that aren't quite right are making me think that there is something bigger going on but I really don't believe that there is. The sweating may be from tiredness, the sun despite me being careful, and maybe dehydration despite me drinking little alcohol and loads of water. 
The head discomfort is probably an after effect from the migraine. This is usual for me after a nasty episode. I can feel where the pain was for a few days afterwards sometimes. 
The painful and swollen gum is probably from food caught in between my teeth that I haven't got rid of when I've brushed my teeth. Hopefully that will feel better in the morning.
The bites should be on the mend now but if they do not improve they will definitely need looking at.

In the back of my mind, and I know that I'm only thinking this because I'm weary, I am concerned that something is going to happen to me and that I will need medical treatment. All this worry simply because I havent got to a chemist to buy the things is need to get rid of these niggles.

I think that, in the morning, I will need to find the chemist and get what I need for my head, my bites and my gum. What a sorry state of affairs😔 I think it's called health anxiety!


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