Sunday, 10 January 2016

Nigella and Me

"Hi all.

It's been another hectic week which went something like this:

Dog to the vets - prescribed antibiotics for 3 weeks for a nasty area on his back leg. Cost = £130.

Daughter to her scan. Mum and babies appear well.

Letters written to our credit company following our debacle with it in New York and to The Financial Ombudsman regarding another ongoing issue.

Emails exchanged regarding the sleepers for my beach hut which were agreed to be replaced by the council almost a year ago but which still have not materialised.

The frustrating amount of time wasted trying to track down a local plumber who is willing and able to carry out a few minor (I hope) repairs while our downstairs loo continues to fill with water following flushing and doesn't really stop! A plumber is promised for tomorrow (Monday). Fingers crossed.

Nephew's birthday. He was 4.

Sister's birthday. I won't say how old she is but she's younger than me!

An overnight stay in London after seeing the glorious David Tennant in Richard 11 at The Barbican.

All this and so much more!

The dog is on the mend and my daughter remains well. There has been no response to our letters but these things take time. My beach hut needs to be emptied before the council will replace the sleepers so that is on my list of things to do next week. My nephew was happy with his pyjamas...and they fit despite being 'slimfit'  which I got by mistake. My sister and I will spend the day together sometime soon in a late birthday celebration once I have given her a list of days out that she can choose from. David Tennant did not disappoint in his revisited role as Richard 11. I find him mesmerising and incredibly watchable. Gorgeous too!

Probably the most exciting thing that happened this week...which will show just how sad I really am...was that Nigella Lawson, yes, THE Nigella, put a photograph of my beach hut on her Instagram page because she was sent it and and she liked it so much. Now, I didn't send it to her I hasten to add. She was sent it in celebration of her birthday by a design company. I did contact them because I thought that the photo was one that I had taken and I wasn't sure how they got hold of it. However, they say that one of their directors was on holiday in Hampshire over the Christmas holiday, saw the hut and photographed it. Subsequently, as Nigella's favourite colours are pink and green and she has been all over the TV and is quite high profile at the moment, they sent the photo to her.

I do like Instagram and I check it quite often. Nigella Lawson is one of the people that I 'follow'. You can only imagine my surprise when I clicked onto my Instagram app and a picture of my hut popped up on Nigella's page. I had to look at it twice to realise what was going on. There was my hut in all of its pink and green (and rust stained) glory for all of the followers of Nigella to see. When I last looked it had over 4,200 'likes'.
Nigella was very complimentary about my hut and I did message her to let her know that it's mine and where it's based. She got back to me and simply said 'It's beautiful!'. See for yourselves what I'm referring to...

To be honest, it's not a very good photo I don't think...or it is but it is showing up the work that I need to do when the Spring arrives. That paintwork definitely needs some attention. It looked like this in the Summer....

That's it for now. I'm off to Weightwatchers later this week for the first time in about 5 years. I think that's going to be a shock to the system.

Have a good week. Stay warm and stay safe.


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