Sunday, 25 October 2015


Hi everyone.

Once in a while, if we are very lucky, someone comes into our lives that enriches it beyond measure. That person lifts you up, is your biggest supporter, loves you unconditionally and makes you feel special.
That person may arrive in your life in any guise at anytime and, when they do, it feels as if they have always been there and you can't imagine your life without them in it.

In my case, my angel was my best friend's mum. Her brother was friends with my Dad when they were children and she worked with both my parents during the evenings at the local telephone exchange when they all had their own children and money was hard to come by.

I met my best friend at primary school and we attended the same schools until we were 17 by which time my parents had divorced and I had been welcomed into my friend's home with open arms by her parents.

I loved my friend's Mum from the word go. She was always smiling and welcoming no matter what her own circumstances. She made me meals, let me sleep over and even let me go on holiday with the family.

As my own life wended its muddled way through the years and with all the ups and downs that came my way, my angel was a constant. I could go months without seeing her but her smile would always be wide and her arms would be open waiting for a hug whenever we met, however long it had been.
She always cared about my children and my life. In fact, I have no doubt that she made everyone feel that way. She had a gift of making everyone feel special and that they were important to her.

On Wednesday morning, after being very poorly for a few days, my angel lost her battle and left us. She leaves my wonderful friend and her wonderful family behind her along with a list of friends and acquaintances that may be never ending. It seems that she made a huge impact on every person that she came in contact with albeit the waitress in the local cafe to the cashier in the supermarket, to the people in the street where she used to live to her friends at the cricket club and beyond.

I'm not really sure that I have taken in the fact that I won't see her again in this life. I won't be getting any more of those hugs and kisses and I won't be bending down to give her kiss on the head because she had got so small that I had to bend to reach her! She won't be reaching up to hold my face to tell me that she loves me.

For my bestie and her family there will be a gap in their lives that will seem impossible to fill.

I am the lucky one. I received love and affection and tenderness and I didn't have the day to day minutia of life to deal with. I didn't have to worry about her illnesses and frailties, about her appetite and her forgetfulness, about her falls and her mobility.

I have nothing but wonderful memories of a truly wonderful lady who I am going to miss so very much.

God bless you darling F. Watch over those you have left behind and take care of them.


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